And not just any read-a-thon: Booktubeathon
This read-a-thon is was ultimately made me realize how much booktube could be fun and really really interesting.
Booktubeathon was created by booktuber Ariel Bissett
It's a book-a-thon that, like most book-a-thons, encourage reading, and reading whatever your heart desires really. You can check out the video for it --> [--HERE--]
But there's more fun than just reading, there's youtube challenges for the booktube community, that get announced the week of booktubeathon. There are also Instagram challenges, and this year there is even a book pick. There are also games and events happening on Instagram, twitter and youtube.
This year the Booktubeathon goes from July 24th - July 30th
and the book pick is Juniper Lemon's Happiness Index by Julie Israel
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Published June 2017, by Penguin |
I've never done a read-a-thon before, so I'm not holding my breath on anything.
So with Booktubeathon there are also reading challenges that change every year, and that pretty much constructs everyone's TBR for the week. However, we are not restricted to these reading challenges, it's just something fun.
So that's what my TBR is going to be about. I also know this is mainly a youtube themed...thing.... so it almost seems odd to me to be doing this on a blog but if you see a link
know that I dove in and made my first ever youtube video. If that's not clickable, I chickened out and inside I'm beating myself up.
[Update] Holy hell I did it..... Still a little unbelievable to me....hyperventillating a bit but feeling pretty good. I know it's not that great, I realized going in that I have no idea how to edit with Premier Pro CC just kind of winged it....but I hope it'll get better the more I do it.
But really, once the announcement for Booktubeathon came out this year I kept telling myself "now's the time, it's perfect, just do a tbr and get started, just vlog during that week and get used to the camera" so let's see if I do it!!
\....Makes me nervous just typing it...
But for those who wouldn't care to see my face, or go to youtube to see my tbr for this read-a-thon, here's my tbr based of the Booktubeathon 2017 reading challenges.
The list of challenges will also be listed down below for any of you who would also like to do this.
1. A book with a person on the cover
I don't have many of these, because I feel like it ruins my image of what that character should look like, but I picked a book with a character we all just know the image of and that's:
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Expery
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Published 1964 |
At 83 pages I think I can get this one done in a week.
2. Read a hyped book
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers
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Published August 2015, by Hodder and Stoughton |
This one is still in the mail. The one I ordered is the UK cover (seen above) but if I don't think it'll get here with in the week then I'll get on amazon prime and snag the US edition
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US Edition |
3. Finish a book in one day.
For this one I'm choosing a graphic novel, and it's actually a re-read because it's sequel is also on this tbr, and I wanted to re-fresh my memory of what's happened, and that's:
DC Bombshells: Volume 1 Enlisted by Marguerite Bennett and Marguerite Sauvage
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Published March 2016 by DC Comics |
But I figure this would be a could quick re-read read for this read-a-thon
4. Read a book with a character completely different than you.
Words on Bathroom Walls by Julie Walton
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Published July 2017, by Random House for Young Readers |
This book follows Adam. Adam has schizophrenia. He sees and hears people that aren't really there. You would think he could tell the difference between his imagination an reality with some of the characters he sees, but he can't. So when a trial drug comes along to suppress these images, Adam goes for it. He feel's like he can have a life, even a love life, but when the trial drug begins to fail, Adam is determined to keep his secret hidden among his new found friends.
I got this book in the mail (you'll see in my book haul for this month) and I hadn't heard a thing about it. The concept seems interesting, and I think for this challenge the fact that the protagonist is of male gender and has a mental illness is pretty different from me.
5. Read a book completely outside
A Robot in the Garden by Deborah Install
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Published June 2015, by Random House Canada |
Ben Chambers, at 34, feels as though he hasn't done much with his life. So when he finds a robot, Tang in his garden, he's determined to achieve something. Where did this robot come from? How did it get here? Ben is willing to cross the globe to find out these answers, even if it means losing his wife in the process.
I saw this on Book Outlet, and it reminded me of my friend who had an idea for a robot book, she asked me to let her know how this one is.
6. Read a book you bought because of its cover.
This could really be any of my books. I think judging a book by its cover is critical in the book buying process. If I don't like the cover it makes it hard for me to justify buying the book.The cover is part of the book's sales pitch. Bad cover, bad pitch. Of course covers and their art are subjective. So what I think is "good" or "bad" may not be the same for someone else.
But for this challenge I chose:
Snow White by the Brother's Grimm Illustrated by Camille Rose Garcia
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Published February 2012 by Harper Design |
I have owned this book for a while. For a bit in early college I was obsessed with Camille's art work. I still love it, I'm just not actively seeking it at this point. But it's Snow White's story just illustrated by Camille. So it's this over dramatic grotesque type work that I think will be interesting to the story.
7. Read seven books.
So this is where that sequel comes into play (you forget about it?) Another Comic book because I don't know how else I'll get seven books read in a week.
DC Bombshells: Volume 2 Allies by Marguerite Bennett and Marguerite Sauvage
And with that, that is my Booktubeathon 2017 TBR
I hope to keep updating my youtube channel and encourage you to check it out as well. I'm hoping it gets a little better as I get more used to looking at the camera and talking rather than typing about books, and editing.
Let me know if you're going to participate in booktubeathon! What's your TBR?
See you next time
Booktubeathone 2017 Reading Challenges
1. A book with a person on the cover
2. A Hyped Book
3. Finished a book in one day
4. Read a book with a character that's completely different from you
5. Read a book completely outside
6. Read a book you bought because of it's cover
7. Read seven books
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