Thursday, June 7, 2018

Birthday Book Tag

Yup it was mah birthday. I'm still not sure how to process it. late twenties....I don't like that. But I understand it's still "young" but it's still odd.

Since my birthday falls on a Tuesday I thought it made sense to do a the Birthday Book Tag that I found at LibroLiv created by Chloe at youtube channel BrunetteBibliophile

1. Count your birth day along your bookshelf and then subtract your birth month. What book does it land on?

This was interesting just due to the fact my birth day is 5 and the month is really it was the last book on my shelf

Howl's Moving Castle by Diane Jones

Loved this book, I felt it and it's adaptation by Hayao Miyazaki went really well together, as Miyazaki didn't go into detail about some aspects while Jones did, however, Jones's imagery was hard to imagine at times so Miyazaki's film came in handy for that.

2. If you could spend your birthday with any fictional character who would it be and why?

Esther De Groot, Giant Days

In all honestly I'd like to hang out with the whole Giants Days group, they seem odd and entertaining. But I specifically chose Esther because I love her style and want her to take me shopping, to see where she gets her clothes! But also because she's seems so dramatic it's almost humorous. She just seems like she'd be fun to be around.

3. Find a book that takes place in the season you were born in.

Cinder by Marissa Meyer. I half expected to find a contemporary, but I haven't read too many of them that are set strictly in summer. Not complaining. I actually really enjoyed what I read of this series and hope to complete it at some point.

4. Find a book that is the color of our birth stone.

The Secret Lives of Color by Kassia St. Clair. June is Moonstone, or pearl, or alexandrite, I've heard all three. But I'm going with Moonestone, a white stone with different colors of sheen. I thought this book worked well for it. I'm still slowly reading this one, but I'm really enjoying it. All these different stories about these colors and their history. I love it.

5. Is their a series with the same number of books as your age? If so what is it?

Ready Freddy! by Abby Klein. I have never read it. Nor do I plan on it. But it's the only one that popped up when I looked through google.

6. Pick a book set in a time period, would or country you would like to have been born in.

Weirdo Noir: Gothic and Lowbrow Art by Matt Dukes Jordan. So I don't think this is any different of a time period than current. I just like the eccentricity of it. To be confident enough to dress as dramatically as Baroque or Rococo fashion with elements of today's pop culture. I think it'd be really fun.

And that was my Birthday Book Tag!

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Until next time!


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