Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Home Made Pasta: Another First

So I'm aware that cooking and baking is a stretch in terms of "ink" (i mean...cookbooks don't need to know that I use google for most of the recipes I try...)

So this last Christmas, my boyfriend got me the noodle rolling attachment for my Kitchen Aide. I've only finally been able to use it, and I decided to go for something "easy": Lasagna Noodles. Long stretches of noodles. Should be a simple one to start out with. Box of lasagna noodles out just in case.

So the oddity for me was to stir eggs on my counter...not in a conventional bowl (as opposed to the little make shift sifted flour/salt "well") Now when I decide to try a recipe, I actually look up a couple and do a strange combination of a few. Though ultimately I tried to stick with one recipe for noddles (not that the recipe varied much in ingredients) but I somehow ended up with a lot more flour than I expected it to. Quite a few recipes said to go ahead and roll out the dough after you knead it for 5-7 minutes....but I watch Chopped and Beat Bobby one does that, so needless to say I didn't roll the dough right away. I let it "rest" in plastic wrap and under a glass bowl (think Flay puts it under a metal bowl....I don't own one, nor do I really know what it does....but my roommates thought I looked like I knew what I was doing...)

By this time my dog was upset with me. How dare I not stand still enough for her to lay on my feet while I cook in the kitchen. Monstrous.

So rolling it wasn't as easy as it looks in Chopped/Beat Bobby Flay.... (I mean why would it?)  and silly me stacked the noodles on top of one another after rolling them.....they stuck together....more rolling. More noodle dough bunching underneath of the rollers and inevitably ripping. But over all the noodles turned out really light, and I was super proud. I did still have to make the box of lasagna noodles to cover the top. The lasagna was ultimately five layers of noodles, meat, cottage cheese and spinach. I'd like to try again after watching some tutorials.

What are some of your experiences with noodle making? Any interesting recipes for noodles you've found/had? I want to try and see if there are any ravioli dessert recipes out there....Stay tuned.

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