Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Top 5 Wednesday: Bookish Things I Want

I saw this idea at One World Too Many Pages Blog, where they listed five bookish things they'd like in their home. And since Top 5 Wednesday is doing a sort of topic re-wind (where we do a topic that's been done before that we wanted to do)

In all honesty I'm not sure if this was a previous topic or not, it just sounded really fun.

So this will be my Top 5 Bookish things I Want for my "dream house" so to speak.

These wont be in any particular order.

1) Secret Garden Nook

I remember when I was little, my grandma's garden felt huge and wondrous. I used to pretend it was a jungle. Now that I'm older (and taller) it's still wondrous, but the plants aren't as big as I remember. I want a secret garden type nook where in all reality it's not a "jungle" but a well constructed hideaway, where I can enjoy the weather and read. Ideally with no bugs....

2) Comfy Reading Chair

In all reality this would just be "my chair" where I'd sit and read, nap, bead, knit, and be lazy. It'd be big enough where I couldn't fill it completely unless I tried. It'd be comfy and soft. It'd pretty much like what's pictured, down to the color and the fuzzy rug underneath it.

3) Window Seat with Built-ins

I'm a big fan of built-ins and window seating. But I also understand that it then becomes difficult to arrange your furniture that wont block shelves or seating. SO, as long as I have at least one good and comfy window seat with built-in bookshelves tucked in, I'd be happy. You might think I'm repeating myself with more seating, but the key is options. I want to have the option of going outside and finding a comfy place to read, or inside, with a view and natural lighting, or in a chair with a little lamp, next to a fire. Options is key.

4) Tea Party Option

This kind of goes with the secret garden, in that I just want space to do this and the option to do it. To have a cute tea set (not necissarily Alice in Wonderland themed) china to eat off of and cute decorations to push the magic a little bit. With an elegant long table and mis-matched chairs. I probably won't use this often, mainly because I don't have that many friends but I like the option damn it!

5) Story Book house

I want a fun, unique, story book house. Something you would walk up on and expect the 7 dwarves to stroll out of. Where you start wondering if you hit the right melody if animals will start appearing to help you with chores. I've dreamed about these houses ever since I was little, and although I now know to question how I'm going to heat a house made of stone, or if it's possible modern amenities can be applied, is this earthquake stable, etc...In my dreams It'd work perfectly and still be just as frickin enchanting.

And those are the Bookish themed item's I'd like for my dream house.

What are some bookish items you feel you need in your dream house?

Until next time!


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Tag TuesdayThe Guilty Reader Tag

I'm debating on doing a "Life Update" type blog at some point, just to kind of explain where I feel like I'm at currently. I feel like I haven't spent time dedicated to reading lately...We'll see.

This is going to be a short little Tag Tuesday questionnaire

This week is Chami's original tag The Guilty Reader Tag (found Here)

1. Have you ever re-gifted a book that you've been given?
No actually. There's too many variables when giving a book as a gift so I don't do it. I made the mistake of re-selling a couple of books my mom had given me at one point...I felt really bad afterwards but it was too late to get them back, so I haven't sold any books that have been given to me since.

2. Have you ever said you've read a book when you haven't?
....Only for school.

3. Have you ever borrowed a book and not returned it?
Yes. I still have this random facts book I borrowed from my Seventh Grade English teacher's classroom library.....

4. Have you ever read a series out of order?
I don't believe so.

5. Have you ever spoiled a book for someone?
Only my Boyfriend. I usually ask him if he plans on reading the book though, if not I spoil it for him.

6. Have you ever doggy eared a book?
When I was younger.

7. Have you ever told someone you don't own a book when you have?
I remember almost telling someone I didn't own a book because I didn't want them borrowing it....but I had just fangirled about getting it so....screwed myself on that one.

8. Have you ever told someone you haven't read a book when you have?
No, it's few and far between that I get to talk to someone about a book I read that they've read too so I don't tend to lie about it.

9. Have you ever skipped a chapter or a section of a book?
Yes. One I can think of in particular was The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fischer

10. Have you ever bad mouthed a book you actually liked?
Yes. The Fifty Shades of Grey series I bad mouthed before I truly saw the flaws in it.