Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tag Tuesday: The Harry Potter Spells Book Tag

Ugh I just want to do all the things right now! I'm jumping from project to project, to the point where I feel over whelmed and just sit and play Sims...cuz nothing says productivity after building my own house and trying to get a dysfunctional roommates to get along.

But I digress.

Today I have a book tag for you and with it being the last week of the Magical Readathon aka O.W.L's (my tbr found HERE) I figured it made sense to do a Harry Potter themed book tag.

The Harry Potter Spells Book Tag

I guess this tag was created by the blog Becoming Bookish however I was unable to find the proper post so I got my questions from One World, Too Many Pages blog.

Let's get started:

1. Expecto Patronum: A childhood book connected to good memories.

Tokyo Mew Mew by Mia Ikumi

Middle school is childhood right? I've mentioned this manga series before. I know that middle school years tend to be the cringiest to look back on, and indeed they are for me as well, but it's also the time I found some of my best friends that I still talk to 13 years later. I look back on this series fondly because I immediately think of getting to school early, finding our spot next to the heater in the library and reading this as well as several other manga series. If you're reading this Emily and Milly I love and miss you both!

2. Expelliarmus: A book that took you by surprise.

The Lonely Hearts Hotel by Heather O'Neill

When I think of surprising books this one comes to mind instantly. This was a total cover buy for me, I just happened to see it on a table in Barnes and Noble and decided I had to have it. I went into it thinking it was a Young Adult historical fiction/romance, though it is kind of....it's not young adult. I mean I'm not really for age restrictions, people mature differently but this book started out with immediate rape and continues with child rape, drug use, and abortion, it was a little intense. But beautiful. The magic realism of this book was fun and the whole book, despite it's heavy topics, was very poetic. I still think about it and it's been a little over a year since I read it.

3. Prior Incantato: The book you read last.

Giants Days Vol. 4 by John Allison

I'm really enjoying this graphic novel series. Esther, her aesthetic is inspiring and she's so dramatic that it's comedic, though that could be said with Susan and Daisy as well. This whole series is just fun.

4. Alohamora: A book that introduced you to a new genre.

American Gods by Neil Gaiman

This one was bound to come up at some point. But I was surprised I'm putting it to this prompt. This one was hard to think about. Mostly because I feel I don't really restrict myself from any genre, there may be a few that I don't reach for right away (thriller, horror, mystery) but I try not to limit myself. This one however, I feel, introduced me to Urban Fantasy, which given my love of magic realism, I feel, should have happened a while ago as they kind of go hand in hand. It's definitely a genre I'm looking more into.

5. Riddikulus: A funny book.

The Hitchhiker's Guide Through the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

I listened to this book via Audible a while back. I had originally watched the movie first, which I actually enjoyed, though I do have to say the book is much better. This book was over all a good laugh. This one could also work for the above, as I didn't gravitate towards Sci-fi much at all, and after reading this I started snagging galaxy exploration books left and right.

6. Sonorus: A book everyone should read

Pachinko by Min Jin Lee

So this is where I thought American Gods was originally going to go, but I guess I'll talk about this one instead. No but really, this book was a fantastic read. It was unpredictable, educational, heartbreaking and heartwarming. SO MANY FEELS. It was just an eye opening book about a history I personally had never known about and biases and prejudices I was unaware of. I want everyone to read this book. 

7. Obliviate: A book you would like to forget having read.

Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige

So I seem to be the unpopular opinion on this one, I just couldn't get into it. I kept waiting for something good to come out of this book but ultimately it was a huge let down that read like fan-fiction. Not to say that I regret reading it, as I obviously like to trash talk this book, and with out reading it I would have never known my dislike for it and probably would have picked up anyway. I just feel I could have used my time better.

8. Imperio: A book you had to read for school.

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson

In all honesty this is the only one I can remember having been assigned to read and actually reading it. I actually really enjoyed it to the point where I bought my own copy, re-read it before re-reading the Harry Potter Series, in fact I'm pretty sure I re-read this book before I even read Harry Potter. I'm debating on getting the recently released graphic novel version. 

9. Crucio: A book that was painful to read.

Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire

This one pains me in many ways. The first being that when reading it, it was just cringe after cringe of incidenences that were god awful. This book came out the day after Fifty Shades of Grey, and both books are on the top of a Goodreads list titles "Best Book Boyfriends." My heart! It hurts! NO! Both books are terrible horrible examples of how a man should behave towards a woman or how anyone should behave towards anyone they proclaim to "love" no matter your sexuality or gender! Stalking, possessive, obsessive, violent, temperamental, threatening behaviors that are PROMOTED rather than learned from. Just...fucking...NO! I don't understand how this one is rated so highly on Goodreads, I just...can't. ugh! 

10.  Avada Kedavra: A book that could kill

It by Stephen King

Not from reading it, I have yet to do so, but I've seen the original movie. No I mean I could physically kill someone by chucking this book at their head. I have a hard back version printed back in 1987, though by the looks of the new ones, even the paper backs could kill if you aim right.

And that was the Harry Potter Spells Book Tag! 

If you've answered these in your own blog or youtube video, link them down below, would love to see what your answers are.

If you'd like to follow me on any other platform the link are in the bar on the right,

Until next time!


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